Some schools offer magazines, and Sora magazines are always available and they don't count towards your loan limit. Use filters to discover magazines in Sora. You'll see the latest issue of each magazine when browsing and searching. Tap to borrow that issue to see or borrow older issues of a magazine. Tap the magazine cover. And then select another issue. 

Now you can select a year, then an issue, and then borrow the magazine.  Look through the magazine by tapping or swiping through the pages, or use the thumbnail view at the bottom of the screen. Open the table of contents to quickly jump to another section of the magazine.

If you want to zoom in to look at images or text, use the zoom button at the top of any page. 

You can also use the magnifying glass to search through the magazine for keywords or phrases.  To read the article in a simplified format, tap this button at the bottom of the magazine. 

When in article view tap near the bottom of the screen to change your reading settings. This includes text size and lighting.  When you're finished reading the article. Tap done to go back to the original magazine view.