Find your recent notes and highlights and recently defined words on the home tab. These annotations and defined words stay with your account even after your title has been returned, so you can access them at any time. Swipe or scroll through each list or tap to see them all on this page. You'll receive a reminder that your notes and highlights are exportable.

See all your notes and highlights at once or search within them by a keyword. You can also tap to filter your results by a color or type or tap on the jacket cover to see notes and highlights made in that title. However, you choose to filter your results is what we export.

When you tap this icon in the upper right-hand corner from here, choose your desired file type including PDF, CSV, or Excel file, a text file, or even Google Drive. Your notes and highlights will become available to save, print, or share outside of Sora. See all for your recently defined words works the same way. Sort your results, click the export icon, and select your file type.