Soapbox - How To Access Students Grades in DLCgo (

1. Go to and click on the DLCgo button on the top right corner of the screen

2. Log in with your username and password.  

    a) If you do not have a username and password, email [email protected] to request one.  



3. Once you are logged into DLCgo, choose your students name from the blue bar on top of the screen

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on LogIn for the course you are interested in.




5. Click on Sask DLC Courses in the top left corner of the screen and you will see all the courses your student is registered in.




6. Choose the course you would like to view the grades for and once in the course, choose Grades from the left side tool bar.



7. If you would like to view your students grades in the remaining DLC courses, click the back arrow twice and you will return to the list of all their courses.