In this Help and Information tutorial, you will see how to record audio using Audacity. Audacity is a free, open-source tool for recording and editing audio

Note: This tutorial is for the use of Audacity installed on a Windows computer

Written Instruction

Step 01: Open Audacity

Click the Audacity icon, which was installed on your desktop during the Audacity installation process

Step 02: Select your Preferred Microphone and Speaker

Once Audacity opens, you will need to select your microphone and speaker

A. From the dropdown list select your preferred microphone

B. From the dropdown list select your preferred speaker

Step 03: Familiarise Yourself with the Audio Control Panel

The Audio Control Panel is located in the toolbar at the top of Audacity. The Audio Control Panel contains the Pause, Play, Stop, Reverse, Forward, and Record buttons. You will use this panel in every recording

Step 04: Begin the Recording

Click on Record  from the Audio Control Panel to begin the recording

Step 05: Record the Audio

Speak clearly, into the microphone , to record your audio. Take note of a few items that you will see as you record your audio

A. The record button will remain depressed while you are recording.

B. The audio level from your microphone will be displayed in the microphone meter at the top

C. The left and right channels of the ausio you are recording will be displayed graphically in the main display area. Notice the peaks when you are speaking loudly and valleys during moments of silence

D. The timeline will help you track how long you have been recording

Step 06: Pause the Recording

At any time during your recording, click Pause  from the Audio Control Panel to temporarily pause your recording.

This is useful to provide you time to clear your throat or collect your thoughts without it appearing in your recording

When you pause a recording, you will notice:

A. the pause button will remain depressed until you click it again or stop the recording

B. the timeline progress freezes

Step 07: Stop the Recording

A. When you are finished recording, click Stopstop from the Audio Control Panel to stop your recording

B. Once the recording is stopped the timeline progress will also stop

recording stopped

Step 08:  Save the Recording

A. Click File from the menu at the top of Audacity

B. Click Save Project As.. to select where the file will be saved

save project as menu

Step 09: Browse for Save Location

A. In the Save Project As screen that pops:up, navigate to the folder on your computer where you want to save your project

B. Enter the name of the audio recording in File Name box

C. Click Save to save the Audacity project file on your computer

save project as

Important: The file that is saved in this step is only the Audacity project file and will not be playable in any media player. You must continue to step 13 to learn how to export your project as a playable audio file

Step 10: Playback the Recording

After your project is saved, click Play play from the Audio Control Panel to listen to your recording

When you are playing back your recording:

A. The play button will remain depressed while you are listening to the recording

B. The audio level from your recording will be displayed in the speaker meter at the top

C. The timeline will help you track where you are in your audio playback


Note: You may need to edit your audio recording at this stage. How to edit an audio recording using audacity is included in a separate tutorial

Step 11: Export the Recording

Once you are satisfied with your audio recording, you will need to export it in a playable format

A. Click File from the menu at the top of Audacity

B. Click Export Audio.. to export your audio file

Step 12: Browse for Save Location

A. In the Export Audio screen that pops-up, navigate to the folder on your computer where you would like to export your audio file

B. Enter the name of the audio recording in File Name box

C. Click Save to save the audio recording file on your computer. I recommend leaving the Save as a type set to WAV (Microsoft) signed 16-bit PCM, unless you have the required plugin to export to an MP3 file

Step 13 : Finish the Save Process

A. Optional: Enter the Artist Name and other track information by clicking Add

B. Click OK to finish the save process and save the audio file on your computer